Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Vocational Languages resource bank

"Are you just beginning to offer languages linked to other vocational subjects? Or have you been doing so for some time? Either way, the Vocational Languages Resource Bank (VLRB) offers example resources to help you on your way! The website also presents a wealth of ideas for teachers to develop their own materials." The website can be accessed here http://www.vlrb.org.uk/index.asp?p=home or via the link in the general MFL websites section on the right.

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

MFL programmes on Teachers' TV this week

The following programmes may be of interest to teachers of MFL. If you miss them, they can be downloaded from www.teachers.tv
"Starting off this Wednesday 16 July at 1pm is Modernising Urdu, a look at how one Urdu teacher is borrowing techniques and adapting resources from other MFL teachers to modernise the approach to teaching Urdu. (Watch online)
1.15pm, we look at one MFL school department that believes dynamic Assessment for Learning in MFL keeps students on task and teachers focused on the next steps for all ability groups. In Secondary Assessment for Learning – MFL, different classes are put under the spotlight as teachers use different techniques to encourage AFL. (Watch online)
The last half an hour is dedicated to our popular
From Good to Outstanding series that looks at how teachers can go from being rated as ‘good’ to ‘outstanding'. In this programme, MFL teacher Rebecca Wills wants to improve. Watch as she is observed and then helped to implement positive change. Will she make the grade? Tune in on Wednesday 16 July at 1.30pm to find out or watch online."

ICT case study: Using wikis at KS4 to promote and support exam revision

The MFL Faculty at Gordano School in North Somerset is developing wikis to support and engage pupils in exam revision and independent vocabulary practice. Click here to visit the CILT page with details of this case study http://www.cilt.org.uk/14to19/ict/gordano.htm

Number of primary schools teaching languages almost doubles since 2002

There has been a big leap in the number of primary schools teaching children foreign languages.
Minister for Schools and Learners Jim Knight welcomed news that 84% of primary schools now teach children another language, up from 70% on the previous year and nearly double the 44% in 2002.
Research from the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) published today shows that traditional languages dominate, with French being most popular (89% of schools which teach languages) followed by Spanish (23%) and German (9%). But a small number (under 3%) offer Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Urdu.
Read more by clicking here http://www.dfes.gov.uk/pns/DisplayPN.cgi?pn_id=2008_0130

White lion cubs born in Germany -arrh!

Rare white lion cubs have been born in Stukenbrock safari park in Germany. There is a link to the Yahoo.de story here http://de.news.yahoo.com/ddp/20080714/tsc-safaripark-stellt-nachwuchs-der-weis-e24321a.html

ilanguages - Teaching the usual in an unusual way!

This website may be of interest to teachers considering how to respond to the new curriculum starting in September 2008 for Year 7 students. On this website you will find resources and links to websites that will enable you to deliver your lessons a little bit differently and inspire your pupils. There is also a link to materials for NVQ language units, including a Scheme of Work. The website can be accessed here http://www.ilanguages.co.uk/ or on the links on the right.

Website for German resources

I am very grateful to Yvonne Clerehugh, an AST of MFL in Norwich, who has agreed to me placing a link to her excellent website on my blog. There is a huge range of resources here, from KS3 to A2 level. The site can be accessed by clicking here http://www.yjc.org.uk/ or via the link in the "Websites for German" section on the right. Herzlichen Dank, Yvonne!

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Tour de France

This is the link for the official "Tour de France" website: http://www.letour.fr/. Another good website (in English) is http://www.steephill.tv/2008/tour-de-france/. A Video showing the route of this year's race is available on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe9IRIqjr7I


Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery. Access the site here: www.wordle.net or on the link in the "General websites" section on the right.

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

2008 Olympic Games resources

The Modern Languages Teachers' Association of Victoria has created some excellent materials in a variety of languages (including French, German and Spanish) to accompany the Olympic Games. They can be accessed by clicking here: http://corporate.olympics.com.au/index.cfm?p=737 or clicking on the link in "Websites for MFL".

You're a winner with Languages!

I found these two stickers on the website of the Modern Languages Teachers of Victoria website which can be accessed by clicking here: http://www.mltav.asn.au/. They certainly give out the right message!

TV listings websites

TV listings websites for French, German and Spanish are now listed in the relevant website areas on the right. There are hundreds of channels broadcast free-to-air. See the section below about how to receive them at your school by satellite.

The European Day of Languages (EDL), a Council of Europe initiative, is held annually on the 26 September to celebrate language and cultural diversity. The Day was first celebrated in 2001, the European Year of Languages and involves more people every year. The aims of the EDL are to

  • To alert the public to the importance of language learning

  • To increase awareness and appreciation of all languages

  • To encourage lifelong language learning

Resources, including posters, quizzes, activities can be obtained from the Council of Europe link (above) or from the CILT webpage for the EDL by clicking here: http://www.cilt.org.uk/edl/.

TES - Modern Languages noticeboard and resources areas

A link to the TES MFL noticeboard area has been added to the "Websites for MFL" section on the right and can also be reached by clicking here:

http://www.tes.co.uk/noticeboard/modern_languages/. A link to the MFL resources portal is in the same section or can be accessed by clicking here: http://www.tes.co.uk/resources/Resources.aspx?start=browse&subjectId=18.

GermanTeaching.com - with a dash of ginger and soy!

This website is a must for teachers of German and one I wish I'd found sooner. There is a wide range or excellent resources available, including tongue-twisters and jokes. Click here http://www.germanteaching.com/ or on the link in the "Websites for German" section on the right.

Step into German - for music!

German teachers looking for German music could do well to look at the the Step into German website. The website includes a large number of videoclips, lyrics and and extensive worksheets for many of Germany's current bands. The website can also be reached by clicking the link in the "Websites for German" section on the right.