Tuesday, 23 September 2008

New websites for French and Spanish added

Two new websites have been added today with resources for teachers of French - http://www.francais-extra.co.uk/ and Spanish - http://www.espanol-extra.co.uk/ . Both websites offer a wide selection of free resources.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Websites for A Level German

A new group of websites for students and teachers of A Level German is now on this site - please scroll down on the right of the page. These websites are sourced from support material for the new AQA AS/A2 examination specification. Websites in the main German section may also prove useful. If you know of any good websites to add to either section, please email us at the addresses shown and we will be pleased to add them.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Integrating ICT into the MFL classroom

Joe Dale - featured in the TES in January 2006 - has an excellent blog which covers just about everything you're ever likely to want to know about integrating ICT into the MFL classroom. The blog address is http://www.joedale.typepad.com/ and can also be accessed in the "Other blogs" section on the right. Many thanks to Joe for this hugely helpful resource.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Games for MFL

Two websites with useful ideas for games which can be used in MFL have been added to the "Websites for MFL (general)" link on the right. They are also accessible here: http://www.britishcouncil.org/languageassistant-arc-games.htm and http://www.gameskidsplay.ca/.