The face of the SLN is changing, but not disappearing altogether! For the last 2 years, 3 SLN have run across Wiltshire: West Wilts led by Jenny Coldwell at Clarendon College; North Wilts led by Dave Wicks at The John Bentley School and South Wilts led by me at St John's. The number of SLN running nationally has been reduced but we have just heard that we have been successful in our bid to one run SLN for all Wiltshire Secondary Schools. The first meeting of 2009-10 will be held at The John Bentley School: 'ICT as a tool to motivate and support literacy skills'; in Feb 2010 Clarendon College will host: 'Sharing of ideas and experiences of other MFL courses to encourage uptake of MFL at KS4'; and St John's will host a final meeting: 'Developing tasks to extend speaking and writing skills, with a particular focus on Year 9'.
We are delighted that the new bid was successful and look forward to seeing you at one of these meetings in the new year.